Mid-Atlantic Popular &
American Culture Association

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Jordan McClain - 2024 Lorance Award Honoree

Dr. Jordan McClain is a longtime MAPACA contributor and consultant based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

He earned his Ph.D. in Mass Media and Communication and M.A. in Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media, both from Temple University.

His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Popular Culture, Popular Music and Society, Applied Journalism and Media Studies, and Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, as well as several edited books.

In addition to prior academic positions held at Temple University and Drexel University, Dr. McClain’s recent industry work has included helping universities and startups build online learning experiences.

In 2007, he attended his first MAPACA conference. Inspired by the organization and its community, he has since served in numerous roles, including peer reviewer for MAPACA’s research journals Mid-Atlantic Almanack and Response, co-chair of the Music area, co-founder and co-chair of the Professional Development area, founder and chair of the Journalism and News Media area, founder of the annual Popular Culture Crash Course, founding Vice President of Communications, President, and Board member.

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