Mid-Atlantic Popular &
American Culture Association

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Vote for Me and I Will Set You Free: Popular Music and Political Campaigns

David Allan (Saint Joseph's University)
Presentation type: 

Popular music is the soundtrack of our lives. It can make us laugh and cry. It can make us want and buy. It can make us proud today that we were “Born in the USA” and at the same time compel us to “Don’t Stop” thinking about tomorrow. But can it make us vote? I am proposing an exploratory look at the use of popular music in political campaigns. It could include both academic and popular press. It can chronicle what we know and provide a foundation for the pursuit of what we don’t know. It will attempt to unravel the ball of confusion.

Scheduled on: 
Friday, November 6, 9:30 am to 10:45 am

About the presenter

David Allan

David Allan, PhD is a Professor of Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA. Allan brings to his academic career the experience from a 20+ career in radio that began as a DJ. Allan has a BA in Communications/ American University, an MBA in Marketing/Saint Joseph’s University, and a Ph.D. in Mass Media & Communication/ Temple. Allan has two books (This Notes For You & HitPlay) and numerous journal articles (JCR, JBR, & JAR).

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