Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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Fall of a Local Hero or the Rise of the Next Big Hipster Beer? The Rebirth of Ballantine

Meghann Ryan-Posthumus (Fielding Graduate University)
Presentation type: 

Ballantine traces its roots long before the prohibition-era in New Jersey. Originally brewed in Scotland, then New York, the brewery found its home in The Garden State from 1840 until the early 1970s. At one time, Ballantine brewery was the third largest in the country and dominated the east coast. In its heyday, Ballantine was mentioned in Rat Pack shows and sponsored the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Phillies. Eventually, after a name change and a 1960s merger, Ballantine’s appeal, reputation, and quality suffered. Ballantine was once the subject of art pieces, songs by famous musicians, and well-loved as a “working class” beer. In 2016, the brewery is beginning to show signs of a second, cooperate takeover and rebranding campaign. What will happen to Ballantine? Should it become the next “hipster beer”? Can it rebuild from its fall into the 40-once stereotype and return to a quality IPA and ale?

Most recently, Ballantine’s sponsorships have returned to local New Jersey events and specialty holiday promotions. Big-backer Pabst Brewing Company is set on saturating the market with the “new and improved” version, can Ballantine survive? The new owners claim Ballantine will return to glory as they honor the founder, Peter Ballantine, while enhancing his original formulas with modern ingredients and brewing practices. The original Ballantine beers featured pre-prohibition techniques and recipes. The new Ballantine is available in three forms so far – original recipes and “new” recipes. Even with a macro brewery ownership, the revival could be a success through clever marketing and by returning back to its roots as a quality, historical, and local brewery. Once known as a proud New Jersey brewery, Ballantine faces its biggest challenge yet – a comeback.

Scheduled on: 
Friday, November 4, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm

About the presenter

Meghann Ryan-Posthumus

Meghann is a media psychologist who has presented at a variety of conferences including: MAPACA, APA, PCA/ACA, FWPCA, and NAMLE. She is a chairperson for the Food & Culture panel at MAPACA. Her research interests include: food studies, beer culture and media consumption.

Her previous faculty appointments were in communication and English departments at colleges in eastern Pennsylvania. After fourteen years of teaching, Meghann currently works as an instructional designer while pursuing a PhD.

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