Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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Prison Sexuality

Melanae Soos (Edinboro University)
Presentation type: 

Throughout research and analyzation, I plan on comparing how prisons and laws are perceived according to the United States population and their depictions in popular television shows such as: Orange is the New Black, 60 Days In, COPS, and Wentworth. I will be focusing on prison glamorization, the male gaze, nods to abuse of power by law enforcement, and inaccurate stereotypes amongst races. I specifically want to address the ways in which prison guards and inmates are hyper-sexualized and how prison is viewed as an ‘experience’ rather than a punishment. In these shows, I will be analyzing guard/inmate behavior, societal views, and stereotypes that are displayed. I believe that I will find the results to be similar in nature and confirm that prison has be glamorized within the United States.

Scheduled on: 
Friday, November 4, 1:45 pm to 3:00 pm

About the presenter

Melanae Soos

I am Melanae’ Soos and I am a junior at Edinboro University majoring in Pre-Law and Criminal Justice. I am a corrections officer in a women’s facility and am strongly interested in the sociological effects that are imposed in prisons and jails on incarcerated persons.

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