John Carpenter’s science fiction/horror classic, “The Thing” is loved by fans the world over for its mystery, action, suspense, and amazing practical effects. But there is a lot more to the mystery of who is or is not affected by an alien. This paper will engage all of the mysterious happenings from characters to the camp’s mission, and from the alien craft to its physiology. How the team faces the uncanny and adapts to their situation will also be explored as well as the most important element of all: this is one of the rare horror films where both the alien presence, as well as the men that inhabit the camp, are both “the Other.” While the alien tries to assimilate, the men try to destroy the creature to survive - but the truth is neither alien or human should exist in such an environment, and the natural world will win in the end.
About the presenter
William D. Prystauk
“Entertainment Weekly” called my horror podcast, THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes, one of the “five essential podcasts for horror fans.” We have thousands of listeners in over 120 countries.
I’m a multi award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker. My hard-boiled thriller, “Bloodletting” is available from Amazon. My college textbook, “Earn Internships, Secure Employment: A Practical Guide to Writing for the Workplace” is available from Kendall Hunt.
Twitter: @crashpalace Horror: Professional: