Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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Roundtable: Disability and Teaching Best Practices

Saturday, November 10, 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm (Federal Hill Suite (Fairmont B))

Together, the Disability Studies and Professional Development areas are hosting a round table discussion on teaching best practices and disability. The goals of this round table are to discuss issues such as (but not limited to): How can we best serve our students with disabilities? How can accessibility benefit all of our students? What are some things that have worked best for you? (Give us your tips and tricks!) How can we use campus resources? How can we work together as instructors to best serve our students with disabilities? While the panelists will offer what has worked for us, we want to foster a discussion of teaching best practices and learn from each other.


Session chair

Meredith Guthrie (University of Pittsburgh)

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