Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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Compelling Drama or Irresponsible Media: The Portrayal of Stalkers and Victims in Netflix's You

Michael Moeder (Salisbury University)
Presentation type: 

You is a Netflix psychological thriller television series told from the perspective of a stalker named Joe Goldberg. Unlike other movies and television programs about stalkers, You humanizes Joe and encourages viewers to empathize with him through exploring his past as a victim of abuse as well as depicting his capacity for kindness and compassion. Moreover, Joe’s victims are frequently made to seem as though they are deserving of their fates. Such a portrayal has the potential to desensitize viewers to the dangers of stalkers and the risks they pose to society. Therefore, this paper examines how You positions the audience to view Joe, his victims, and the issue of stalking. Ultimately, the paper offers a perspective on the media’s obligation to the viewer and whether or not the makers of You have acted in a responsible and ethical manner.

Scheduled on: 
Saturday, November 9, 10:30 am to 11:45 am

About the presenter

Michael Moeder

Michael Moeder is an assistant professor in the Communication Department at Salisbury University. He is a member of the Media Studies track and teaches courses in mass media analysis and writing. Moeder received his Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Missouri and his dissertation examined the narrative structure of the television sitcom. In regard to research, Moeder is interested in the way entertainment programming shapes viewers’ values and attitudes.

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