Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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Isn’t College Supposed to be the Best Years of Our Lives?

Jennifer Sucuzhanay (St.Johns University)
Presentation type: 

This paper discusses the legal aspects of hazing on college campuses with a primary focus on the role it plays in Greek Life organizations. Analyzing cases where students experienced hazing during fraternity pledging rituals, findings reveal that Courts routinely and curiously absolve universities of liability for any resultant injuries or tragedies that occur because in many situations, universities do not formally acknowledge, endorse, or recognize the culprit organizations. However, further exploration reveals inappropriate hazing to exist, not solely within Greek Life, but systemically across many university campuses in a variety of official activities. The paper concludes by advocating for the adoption of required coursed for extracurricular organizations, their members, and potential members in preference to judicial intervention thus far restrained.

Scheduled on: 
Saturday, November 9, 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm

About the presenter

Jennifer Sucuzhanay


Session information

Popular Victimization Under the Law (Student Panel)

Saturday, November 9, 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm (Salon 3 Grand Ballroom)

Comprised of three student papers, this panel will examine how the victims of illicit conduct ranging from college hazing to sexual harassment to murder are regarded by the legal system in both judicial proceedings and entertainment media.

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