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Gendering of Travel in Cristina Garcia’s Monkey Hunting

Aisha Usman (Kinnaird College for Women Lahore)
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My paper will focus on the critique of Cristina Garcia’s gendering of trans-border Travel and mobility in 19th and 20th century China with reference to her novel Monkey Hunting. Garcia works towards the careful portrayal of Chinese women.She neatly draws the boundaries to heighten the different treatment of genders through the idea of mobility and she clearly defines the male and female space with reference to their mobility across the borders. All the Chinese men in the novel are travelling across the borders, embracing to the new identities that they are open to grab as compared to the women who are confined to their domestic sphere and are taken as a commodity. This idea of authority has been shown especially in the character of Chen Fang who is the only female character that travels far in the novel but then she has been raised as a boy and her travel is also within China. However, she has won this status of travelling through her male persona that is given to her by her mother as she wants to have some money from her husband for the education of a boy. As Echano puts it, “Chen-Fang’s impersonation of a boy allows her to enter a hierarchical space composed by and for men.” (Echano 84). “Gender Identity formation within national discourse is clearly exemplified by Cristina Garcia’s Chinese female character Chen Fang.Chen-Fang grows up in a long-established Chinese society in which,at the time of the narration ,women’s sexuality was defined solely in terms of reproduction and restriction of women’s movement to domestic spaces.”( Martinez 19)Thus, I argue that the concept of travel in Garcia’s Monkey Hunting is gendered and is representative of the specific gender roles.

Scheduled on: 
Saturday, November 7, 10:30 am to 11:45 am

About the presenter

Aisha Usman

My name is Aisha Usman and I am a Pakistani lecturer at Kinnaird College for Women Lahore.I have been teaching for the last 14 years to ungraduates and graduates. My major is English Literature and Language.Recently,I got a chance to participate in a Scholar Exchange Program between Kinnaird College and Arizona State University.During my stay in USA I studied Contemporary American Literature and learnt a lot as a scholar from a developing country.

Session information

Travel and the Exotic or Forbidden Other

Saturday, November 7, 10:30 am to 11:45 am (Cassatt)

Through close readings of films and various types of literature, this panel explores the ways that travel impacts the Self/Other dyad.

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