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Accommodating Generational Differences: New Girl and the Neighbors

Maxine Gesualdi (West Chester University)
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Sitcoms with ensemble casts exemplify human communication and illustrate important communication theories. In this way, sitcoms teach effective ways to build relationships and maintain a fruitful life. The “Neighbors” episode of the Fox sitcom New Girl centers on communication between generations when younger neighbors move in next to the apartment of the main characters. The encounters during the episode comically illustrate important intercultural communication practices and theoretical constructs. This paper maps the New Girl “Neighbors” episode to Giles’ Communication Accommodation Theory. The episode illustrates Giles’ main assumption that people from different cultures strive to gain approval and acceptance from one another. In addition, each character displays the motivations behind convergence, or becoming more similar to the other person, or divergence, accentuating differences between people. Lastly, the characters’ actions illustrate the effects of communication across cultures. Using this episode to illustrate the Communication Accommodation Theory provides a unique viewpoint on intercultural communication because many people often think of intercultural communication as between national cultures or ethnicities. However, New Girl helps to illustrate the less examined communication differences between generations. By examining each character’s communication with the new neighbors, New Girl prompts viewers to examine their own relationships with older and younger generations. In addition, the analysis is useful for professors who teach intercultural and interpersonal communication as well as communication theory. The analysis also can be used in workplace training where generational differences are apparent and sometimes unproductive. In all, the New Girl “Neighbors” episode not only entertains but also teaches viewers how to navigate the complexity of everyday life.

1C15. TV Comedy
Scheduled on: 
Thursday, November 5, 9:30 am to 10:45 am

About the presenter

Maxine Gesualdi

Maxine Gesualdi is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication and Media at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Gesualdi earned her Ph.D. in the Media and Communication at Temple University in Philadelphia. She earned her MA in Communication Studies from West Chester University and a BS in Journalism from West Virginia University. A former public relations professional, her research focuses on roles enactment and shared resources in organizations.

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